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Oxinal Inc

2248 Meridian Boulevard # G
NV 89423-8620
Phone: (775) 783-1994

Category: Harness Assemblies, for Electronic Use: Wire or Cable

Company representatives

Jon Daniels, The guy who tells the truth about Oxinal
Phone: 306-374-1335

Gert V, President

About Oxinal Inc

Oxinal is in the business of ripping off customers. Ask Oxinal for references of satisfied customers. Oxinal routinely either does not ship at all.

Products and Services

  • defective anodized aluminum wire
  • defective anodized titanium wire

Opening Hours

We answer the phone when we feel like it. If we know we have people calling wanting to discuss problems we'll always let it go to voice mail.


20 to 49

Years In Business


Additional information

We'll take your order, we'll take your money, we'll send you defective product or no product at all. When you sue us we'll lose but then we'll just refuse to pay what the court awards you.


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