Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies

68,667 companies in Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies


Security Brokers, Dealers, and Flotation Companies (68,667)

Brokers, Security (5,964)

   Edward Jones

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Dealers, Security (361)

   Credit Suisse Group

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Distributors, Security (166)

   National Medical Mfg Inc

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Floor Traders, Security (30)

   David Buxton Financial Corpinc

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Flotation Companies (51)


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Govt-Security Brokers Dealers/Flotation Companies (1,459)

   Spectrum Capital Inc

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Investment Bankers (2,720)

   Humphrey & Associates

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Investment Certificate Sales (55)

   Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated

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Investment Firm, General Brokerage (3,386)

   Anvil Capital

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Investment Securities (22,571)

   Edward Jones

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Investments (10,921)

   Nat City Investments Inc

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Mineral Leasing Dealers (31)

   Williston Basin Oil & Title

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Mineral Royalties Dealers (19)

   Granite Mountain Nature Gllry

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Mineral, Oil, and Gas Leasing and Royalty Dealers (115)

   E Trade Financial

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Mining Brokers (4)

   Industrial Commodity Resources

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Mortgages, Buying and Selling (5,477)

   Reverse Mortgage of Houston TX

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Mutual Funds (351)

   American Heritage Fund Inc

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Mutual Funds, Selling By Independent Salesperson (720)

   Nationwide Financial Institution Distributors Agency, Inc

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Note Brokers (290)

   E, C & M Enterprises, Inc

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Oil Brokers (53)

   Energy Group

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Oil Land Leases (758)

   Bp Capital Energy Fund Lp

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Oil Royalties Dealers (95)

   Young, Marilyn Mays Oil & Gas Co

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Securities (97)

   American Defense Systems

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Security Brokers and Dealers (4,837)

   Quayle & CO Securities

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Stock Brokers and Dealers (3,365)


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Stock Option Dealers (64)

   Dbc Group

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Stock and Bond Brokers (3,473)

   Scott J Archbold Century

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Syndicate Shares (Real Estate, Entertainment, Equip.) Sales (75)

   Buffalo Run Enterprises

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Tax Certificate Dealers (29)

   Nordic Enterprises, LLC

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Traders, Security (600)

   Raymond James Financial Services, Inc

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Underwriters, Security (488)

   Professional Underwriters Inc

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Venture Capital (42)

   TLG Investments and Capital

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