Food (11,245)
Animal and Marine Fats and Oils (23)
Bread and Other Bakery Products, Except Cookies and Crackers (1,263)
Candy and Other Confectionery Products (211)
Cane Sugar, Except Refining (5)
Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Preserves, Jams, and Jellies (188)
Canned and Cured Fish and Seafood (235)
Chocolate and Cocoa Products (185)
Dairy Products, Except Dried or Canned (376)
Dried and Dehydrated Fruits, Vegetables, and Soup Mixes (39)
Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Products (97)
Flavoring Extracts and Flavoring Syrups NEC (42)
Flour and Other Grain Mill Products (225)
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (857)
Frozen Bakery Products, Except Bread (38)
Frozen Fruits, Fruit Juices, and Vegetables (51)
Groceries and Related Products, NEC (3,046)
Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts (104)
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli, and Noodles (151)
Natural, Processed, and Imitation Cheese (148)
Pickled Fruits and Vegetables, Vegetable Sauces and Seasonings, and Salad Dressings (83)
Potato Chips, Corn Chips, and Similar Snacks (76)
Poultry and Poultry Products (205)
Prepared Flour Mixes and Doughs (59)
Prepared Fresh or Frozen Fish and Seafoods (175)
Salted and Roasted Nuts and Seeds (24)
Sausages and Other Prepared Meats (181)
Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, NEC (44)
Vegetable Oil Mills, Except Corn, Cottonseed, and Soybeans (12)