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Storm Water Control Services, LLC.

298 Substation Road
Interstate #71 Metro Area
OH 44212
Phone: 330-225-8625

Category: Rehabilitation Services
Email: moc.nsm@5002yllekde

Company representatives

Ed Kelly, Manager
Phone: 330-225-8625
Email: moc.nsm@5002yllekde

About Storm Water Control Services, LLC.

The need of a storm water control services business for municipalities and residents stems from the knowledge and experience of the key members of the

Storm Water Control Services, (SWCS) LLC is a small business located in Brunswick Hills Township, Ohio. The combined experience of SWCS employees is over 40 years in solving flooding problems in residential and municipal systems.
The need of a storm water control services business for municipalities and residents stems from the knowledge and experience of the key members of the company's officers. Ed Kelly senior has over 40 years experience in performing municipal projects involving the evaluation of public sewer systems and private property sewer systems. Ed Kelly junior has over 10 years in both performing consulting services and managing technicians in the investigation and testing of public and private sewer systems.
The goal of the Storm Water Control Service business is to provide

Products and Services

  • Basement Flooding Solutions
  • Sewer System Evaluation

Location Type



Less than $100,000


2 to 4

Years In Business


Additional information

Edward Kelly Sr. is a Principal of Storm Water Control Services. He has been actively engaged in wastewater and storm water projects and is an industry expert in I/I programs. Most recently Ed was se


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