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Bobcat Rehab and Rescue

8013 N. Meadowview Circle
FL 33625
Phone: 813-323-3263

Category: Animal Rescue Relocation and Transporting

Company representatives

Jamie Veronica, Manager

About Bobcat Rehab and Rescue

We do bobcat rescue, rehab and release in Florida. We will not relocate bobcats as state law requires that they be released very near where they were

For Bobcat Rescue in Tampa FL, Bobcat Rehab and Rescue provides emergency care for bobcats to rescue them when they have been injured, have them treated by a vet and then give them a safe place to rehabilitate until they are ready to return to the wild. Bobcats make lousy pets, but great neighbors. If you see a bobcat in the wild, count yourself lucky & do what you can to ensure they live safely in your area as they help keep rabies vector vermin under control.

Products and Services

  • Animal Rescue

Business categories

  • Animal Shelters


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Years In Business



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