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8040 oxford avenue
PA 19111
Phone: +1 646 233 3191

Category: Interactive Media

Company representatives

Irit Dabby, CEO

Irit Dabby, CEO & Founder

About GoodyTag

Advertising platform on Social Media that enables advertisers to reward users for recommending commercial goods & services with coupons and promos

GoodyTag allows rewarding social network users with coupons and promos for visually and textually tagging their content with a commercial image/ Text. Essentially, we've taken word-of-mouth conversations and attached a coupon or promotion

Visual: User can put an image of "Adidas" logo or of a Gatorade bottle on a pic he has uploaded to facebook from NY Marathon.
This action will auto- generate a wall post- including a new-
"branded" pic, a status about the tagged image and a link. The user will receive a promo for that, such as coupons and other endorsements, pre enrolled by the advertiser.

Textual: A button similar to the "Share" on Facebook/ Twitter, but with an auto-endorsement for that.

Products and Services

  • Social Media Advertising platform

Business categories

  • Advertising-Coupons


10 to 19

Years In Business



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