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Edwin Lichtig Pension Income

3527 Diablo Blvd
CA 94549
Phone: 800-888-3638

Category: Pension and Retirement Plan Consultants

Company representatives

Edwin Lichtig, Owner

Edwin Lichtig, owner

About Edwin Lichtig Pension Income

Edwin Lichtig Pension Income provides options for individuals looking to receive reliable monthly payments, usually over an eight-year period.

Edwin Lichtig Pension Income helps individuals achieve high rates of return on their investments by allowing them to purchase income from pensions. For years, institutional investors such as banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds have availed themselves of the same opportunity. With the help of companies like Edwin Lichtig Pension Income, the public can now join them.

Buying pensions offers advantages to both buyers and sellers. Sellers receive large, lump-sum payments; buyers get guaranteed monthly income from the purchased pensions and a rate of return that often reaches more than six percent, much higher than other, more traditional investments such as IRAs. Edwin Lichtig Pension Income connects buyers and sellers and ensures that transactions are processed smoothly.

The company

Products and Services

  • Edwin Lichtig Pension Income


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Years In Business



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