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Intercontinental Corp

1800 E McFadden
Santa Ana
CA 92705
Phone: (888) 319-4969

Category: Business Development

Company representatives

Mikael Marczak, Co-Partner

Mikael Marczak, CEO

Adrian Perez, Co-Partner

About Intercontinental Corp

Intercontinental helps other companies reduce their cost by outsoursing their manpower.

Based on the specific requirements of each and every client and vertical, our management team has started with robust outsourcing solutions to increase the quality and efficiency to generate value for our clients. Our service levels are clearly defined in line with the business objectives. They are time-measured and analyzed so that the corrective actions are issued to guarantee the right deliverables.

INTERCONTINENTAL operational approach is based on an objective of gaining maximum productivity using cost-friendly methods. Our main focus of providing quality results is never forgotten. At INTERCONTINENTAL, we replace the usual hierarchies by more process-specific guidelines with each person working as an integral part of the whole unit and each division being independe

Products and Services

  • Reduce Cost Service

Business categories

  • Business Economic Service
  • Investment Counselors


20 to 49

Years In Business



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