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Knox Consulting

3606 Bandera Street
PA 15201-1816
Phone: (412) 344-3966

Category: Business Management

Company representatives

Deborah Knox, Owner

Deborah Knox, Owner

About Knox Consulting

Knox Consulting provides business development and marketing support for architectural firms, engineering firms, contractors and facility managers.

We can help you with:
¿ Qualification Statements
¿ Proposals
¿ Award Submissions
¿ Project Pages
¿ Resumes
¿ Promotional Materials
¿ Press Releases and PR Strategy
¿ Report Writing and Editing
¿ Basic Layout and Design Services
¿ Job coaching for New Marketing Staff

Backed up with multiple deadlines? Let us help you. We can focus on your qualification statements and proposals, and streamline your role in document preparation so that you can focus on the sections that really matter.

We will draft compelling cover letters, narratives and craft a product that will capture the attention of reviewing committees, and will match your style for graphics, color and overall look.

We can produce the documents, organize the proofreading, printing, binding and shipping.

Products and Services

  • Business Development


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Years In Business



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