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Clutter Angel

GA 30043
Phone: 747-333-8677

Category: Professional Planners
Email: moc.liamg@legnarettulcym

Company representatives

Shaundra Welch, owner
Email: moc.liamg@legnarettulcym

About Clutter Angel

Freeing hearts and homes from their clutter all around the Atlanta-metro area by helping with organization, donations and downsizing.

Romans 12:2 ~ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... It's been two years since I unpacked the last of my 115 boxes of "clutter." Yes, I was AND am a CLUTTERER. No, I am not an organizer by habit but I am now by design. With the help of my patient husband, I emerged from the weight of too much stuff and realized a desire to help others experience the same freedom. I also recognized my "stuff" was an outward representation of an inner issue. Today I feel clutter free both inside and out giving me such a sense of peace and freedom!

Now, I walk alongside other clutterers and help them clear their homes and hearts. So, if you feel as though you are overwhelmed and buried beneath "stuff", make the call. A one hour consult is only $29.95

Products and Services

  • Clutter Coaching and Planning
  • Donation Management
  • Organization and downsizing


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Years In Business



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