The Parent Resource Team of Connecticut, LLC

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The Parent Resource Team of Connecticut, LLC

100 Westwood Drive
CT 06340
Phone: (860) 237-5510

Category: Educational Consultants

Company representatives

Bonnie Tompkins, Partner
Phone: 8602375510
Email: moc.tcfomaetecruosertnerap@einnob

Alana Jones, Partner
Phone: 8602375510
Email: moc.tcfomaetecruosertnerap@anala

About The Parent Resource Team of Connecticut, LLC

We are committed to supporting families by helping to educate and nurture parents in all areas of family life.

The Parent Resource Team, LLC, is committed to supporting families by helping to educate and nurture parents in all areas of family life. Raising children is one the most difficult and rewarding tasks a person can do. It is our goal to help parents navigate the journey towards healthy, happy relationships with their children by connecting them with useful resources, expanding their support networks, and helping to infuse a bit of joyfulness along the way.

Bonnie Tompkins and Alana Jones are independent parent educators who have attended the facilitator training in Colorado with the authors of Love and Logic: Dr. Charles Fay, Jim Fay, and Dr. Foster Cline. They facilitate both the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent workshop and the Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun workshop.

Products and Services

  • Parenting Education


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