American Intelligence for Truth and Justice

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American Intelligence for Truth and Justice

AL 36117

Category: Investigators
Email: moc.noitcetorpnaidraugym@notlimahr

Company representatives

R Hamilton, Intelligence Command
Email: moc.noitcetorpnaidraugym@notlimahr

Renita Hamilton, Intel Commander

About American Intelligence for Truth and Justice

Welcome to My Guardian Protection an subsidiary of American Intelligence For Truth And Justice (A.I.T.J.). A full scale investigative company.

Visit us today for training, education and online store to find the products you need for safety and protection, in the home, the line of duty or in business. Our staff is dedicated to provide you excellence in service and quality products at competitive prices. It is your right to know the truth and the responsibility to use it for the protection of your loved ones, your assets. You will also find the latest on new technology in safety.

At MGP, our goal is to deliver the truth before the opportunity of liability occurs. We search out the truth and provide you with the tools necessary to generate informed decisions for protective actions in protection and safety.

Products and Services

  • Investigations

Business categories

  • Personal Investigation Service


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Years In Business



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