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Unleashed Behavior & Training

15631 Old Brick Yard Road
MN 55379
Phone: 952-994-0430

Category: Dog Training

Company representatives

Christi Blaskowski, Trainer
Phone: 952-994-0430
Email: moc.sreniartdehsaelnu@itsirhc

About Unleashed Behavior & Training

This is one of the Twin Cities top dog trainers. With over a decade of experience, Unleashed can help you with all your training and behavior needs.

Whether you have a new puppy just joining your family or an older dog, Unleashed can help you with your training needs.

Effective dog training is about building a willing response. How can you teach your dog to want to work with you? Your relationship should reflect a cooperative partnership of mutual understanding.

The relationship that you build with your dog can be strengthened or weakened by the way you communicate. How you teach is as important as the lesson itself. Your communication should build up your dog's confidence. Communication should never be angry or destructive in nature. This will only serve to break trust and create fear, and to make your training task more difficult.

It is with these things in mind that Unleashed designed its programs.

Products and Services

  • Dog Training
  • Dog Behavior
  • Obedience Classes


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