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Jama Software

600 NW 14th Avenue
OR 97209-1737
Phone: (503) 922-1058

Category: Computer Software

Company representatives

John Simpson, VP of Marketing

Emily Down, Designer

About Jama Software

Jama Software enables companies to take a more collaborative approach to project development by keeping everyone in sync on the requirements and scope

Jama's mission is to help companies deliver successful projects by enabling them to take a more collaborative, team-based approach to requirements management. Jama Contour, Jama Software's collaboration software for development teams, brings everyone together and ensures they understand their part of the plan.

For teams managing complex projects, Contour provides real-time visibility to see how everything is connected. Teams can make decisions together and mitigate risks throughout development. As projects evolve, teams adapt intelligently and deliver solutions that satisfies end-users.

Products and Services

  • Jama Contour

Business categories

  • Application Computer Software


20 to 49

Years In Business



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