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15 Bank Street
White Plains
NY 10606
Phone: (914) 318-4835

Category: Computer Software

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Company representatives

Sajil Koroth, Co-Founder

About NeGoBuY

NeGoBuy is a cool site which will help you to reverse bid for item you buy from a shop/merchant near you. We make your shopping even more interesting

At NeGoBuY we make your shopping more fun and interesting by bringing you, the sellers and your friends together and making sure that you pay the least for your buy. The core business idea behind NeGoBuY is Reverse Bidding. The site offers the buyers to post a request for products he/she wants to buy or a service he/she is looking for in his local area.

We take the request from the buyer and publish it to the group of sellers/service providers who will bid for the least price. We will notify the buyer when the reverse auctions ends and the buyer will get to buy the product at the least price.

In a traditional auction a seller offers a very specific and unique item for sale, and the buyers bid on the item. The highest price always wins the auction. In reverse auctions several seller

Products and Services

  • E-Commerce
  • Online Shopping

Location Type

Single Location


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Years In Business



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