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Dalia's Doggie Rehab, LLC

574 Fischer Blvd
Toms River
NJ 08753
Phone: 732-272-6099

Category: Veterinary Services, Specialties

Company representatives

Lisa Saez, PT, CCRT, owner

Lisa Saez, Canine Rehab Therapist

About Dalia's Doggie Rehab, LLC

Caring for canine injuries and illnesses. We can provide the same care to animals that we are able to receive as humans.

Dalia's Doggie Rehab is a business offering services to dogs with injuries and illnesses that do not allow them to fully appreciate life. We provide care to enable these animals to feel better with less pain, improved mobility and strength. Rehab is the way to return your pet to their prior daily functions!

Products and Services

  • Canine rehabilitation

Opening Hours

By appointment only. Visits are scheduled for an hour. Weekends and evenings available.

Location Type

Single Location



Years In Business


Additional information

Lisa Saez, PT CCRT is the owner and sole practitioner. She brings to DDR 26 years of experience in human Physical Therapy. She has owned her own business, Responsive Physical Therapy, Inc. since1996


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