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Gardening Gals

1219 Redcoat Drive
NC 28211
Phone: 704-502-4387

Category: Garden Services

Company representatives

Susan Cannella, Co-Owner

Susan Cannella, Garden Bed Construction

About Gardening Gals

We build raised bed gardens and install composters and rain barrels.

Welcome to Gardening Gals, the hottest thing to hit the gardening scene in Charlotte, North Carolina. We build raised bed gardens and fill them with rich gardening soil right in your back yard (or wherever the sun shines at your house). Our raised bed gardens can supply you a variety of homegrown vegetables, herbs, melons, and fabulous fresh cut flowers. Our goal is to help you tap into your inner green thumb! If you have ever considered gardening but have not had the time and energy to get started, we can help. We will find the perfect place in your yard for a raised bed garden and get right to work building, filling and even planting. We'll get your garden going, and you'll keep it growing!

Products and Services

  • Raised Bed Garden Construction
  • Rain Barrels
  • Composters

Business categories

  • Lawn Maintenance


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Years In Business



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