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Hoback Fence

60289 Highway C
High Point
MO 65042
Phone: (660) 489-2328

Category: Fence Contractors

Company representatives

Bob Hoback, Owner

bob hoback, owner

Bob Hoback, owner

About Hoback Fence

family owned and operated business specializing in all types of farm and residential fence. We also provide brush clearing and land reclamation.

We can beautify a piece of land w/brush removal, reclaimation, and install a new fence you'll be proud to look at. Whether that be barbedwire, steel entryways, steel coral fence, woven wire, electric fence, goat fence, vinyl or wood fence, decorative fence ,we have accessories avail. such as arbors, trelises, solar caps, mailboxes and much more to complete the look.

Products and Services

  • farm fence installation

Business categories

  • Wholesale Fence
  • Fencing


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Years In Business



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