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Mr. Technique

1029 Williams Mill Rd.
GA 30306
Phone: 404-419-6730

Category: Web Design and Web Development
Email: moc.euqinhcetrm@mot

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Company representatives

Tom Nguyen, Website Designer
Phone: 404-419-6730

About Mr. Technique

WordPress Website Customization, Static Website to CMS Conversion, Web Hosting, and Website Maintenance

Customer service is something that is being lost in today's society. Every business is asking for more clients, so they can make more profit. I like profit, too. After all I like to eat, but I believe in treating people like people and not like a number. I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

After being in business for a few years, I started to realize that the more clients that I had, the less attention I could give to each individual client. There are only a certain amount of hours in the day, and I couldn't devote as much time as I would like to each client. I could only work on a client's site for an hour or two each day before going on to the next client's site. I felt flustered and rushed.

I started to realize that if I had less clients, and I worked on them one at a time until their project was completed, I would get more done, the quality of my website design or development would be better, and my clients would feel more appreciated.

Less clients and more attention is my motto. I'm here to build a working relationship with my clients. I will take on new clients, but I'm not going to spend too much time chasing what I don't have when I can concentrate on what I do have. As the saying goes, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

I like great customer service, and I hate being looked at as account #56213. I have a name. I have a face. I have a personality. And so do you.

Products and Services

  • Website Design
  • Web Hosting
  • Website Maintenance

Opening Hours

I'm open Monday through Friday and can meet you by appointment. I respond to all calls and emails within 24-48 business hours.

Business categories

  • Consultants-Business (Unclassified)
  • Marketing Consultants



Years In Business



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