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RepTechCenter LLC

34 E Main St
NY 11787
Phone: 631-251-6170

Category: Application Computer Software

Company representatives

Gene Rohr, Executive Director

About RepTechCenter LLC

RepTech provides advanced visioning software to the real estate, contracting, landscaping and mortgage industries, among others.

Our product allows agents to immediately respond to buyer or customer concerns and preferences concerning the appearance of any property. Or it's often used to simply show the "vision" or hidden potential of a home that buyers or customers may be missing.

The software uses advanced image manipulation technologies to make it easy even for non-techie types to drag and drop objects and textures to specific areas of a "before" photo. This transforms it, right in front of the customer or buyer, into a home they are interested in pursuing.

Everything is photo-realistic and the altered photos can be printed, emailed, uploaded to the Web, etc.

Products and Services

  • Curb Appeal Imaging Software


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Years In Business



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