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Rhino Shield

1002 Rawlings Drive
San Jose
CA 95136
Phone: 408-266-7048

Category: Paints and Paint Additives

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Jeff Olson, owner

About Rhino Shield

The Rhino Shield exterior coating system offers the same curb appeal as paint while providing a number of benefits not found in traditional paint prod

Before Rhino Shield, most homeowners interested in beautifying the exterior of their homes chose traditional paint. Both Rhino Shield and paint improve the appearance of a home. However, after only a few years, paint can begin to chip, flake, or peel, and the color may fade. Maintaining the original luster of the paint requires repairs, which add costs to the upkeep of a home. Rhino Shield, a new technology in exterior covering, avoids these problems.

In addition, Rhino Shield can protect the home. Unlike Rhino Shield, paint simply colors a surface. Rhino Shield guards against deterioration, wood rot, leaking stucco, termites, and toxic mold. The product can add value to a home as opposed to paint, which represents an ongoing expense homeowners must contend with for as long as they own a

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  • Rhino Shield


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