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Company representatives

Carlos Morales, Founder, C.E.O.
Email: moc.063xsolrac@proc

Carlos Morales, Founder, C.E.O

About CarlosX360 Co., Ltd.

CarlosX360 Co. Ltd. is an incorporated company based in Northern California that intends to be a global entertainment corporation.

CarlosX360 Co. Ltd. is a global gaming network of niche websites. As a start-up, the company will focus on delivering content to gamers worldwide through niche gaming websites. The portfolio of domain names make the company stand out from the packs of companies facilitating similar vertical websites. CarlosX360 Co. Ltd. will not stay in the niche video game websites space forever; it will instead expand to other parts of the video game industry, as the company intends to be a global entertainment company. The company's vision is larger than video game websites; the vision is to become the world's largest video game or entertainment company. The end result would cause a ripple effect throughout the industry by revolutionary means. The industry needs to improve, it needs to mature.

Products and Services

  • niche websites
  • business to business
  • advertising

Opening Hours

CarlosX360 Co. Ltd. is a global gaming company delivering content to gamers worldwide. So, operating hours varies.

Business categories

  • Nonclassified Establishments
  • Interactive Media

Location Type




Years In Business



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