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110 E Broward Blvd
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33301
Phone: 888-462-4763

Category: Real Estate Inspection

Company representatives

Sandra Robbins, VP

Joshua Robbins, Director

About AirMD

AirMD was created to fulfill the need for a green environmental testing company based on scientific analysis.

More than 80% of our time is spent indoors; however, the indoor air quality of our home and office environments are filled with health hazards that cannot be seen or measured without scientific environmental testing. Exposure to airborne allergens, particles, chemical gases, bacteria, mold or electromagnetic radiation (EMR) creates health risks.

Whether at home or in the office, the benefits of a clean, green environment are obvious. People sharing public areas or interacting in indoor environmental settings should feel secure knowing their surroundings are environmentally safe.

AirMD's goal is to provide that safety for residential and commercial clients.

Products and Services

  • Mold Testing


20 to 49

Years In Business



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