Downtime Photography And Design LLC

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Downtime Photography And Design LLC

NY 14120
Phone: 716 609 2825

Category: Artists-Fine Arts
Email: moc.rennurdaor@neergcirtcele

Company representatives

Heather Allen, Owner
Email: moc.rennurdaor@neergcirtcele

Heather A., Owner

About Downtime Photography And Design LLC

Photography sold on mouse pads, prints and other media, design of items such as t-shirts.

At Downtime, we feel that art, whether photography or otherwise, is meant to invoke emotion. We use methods like TTV, also known as Through The Viewfinder, to bring nostalgic memories to life. Our TTV photography uses several vintage cameras and modern digital cameras to reproduce photographs that transport you back to the good old days. We use a professional photography lab to develop our prints, using a method of exposing and chemical processing that leads to archival prints capable of lasting 100 years displayed in the average home. These are not inkjet printed prints, they are developed in a way much like traditional film prints were in darkrooms for years.
We print the mouse pads we sell ourselves, using professional equipment and inks.

Products and Services

  • Photographic mouse pads
  • Photographic prints
  • Fine Art

Opening Hours

Online only

Location Type

Single Location


2 to 4

Years In Business


Additional information

We offer fine art photography for every lifestyle! Using a variety of cameras and techniques, we bring you vivid colors, nostalgic images and serene scenes for your home or office decor.


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