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Hummingbird Weight Loss

538 Gray CT
CO 80226
Phone: 888-882-7116

Category: Weight Control Services
Email: moc.ssolthgiewdribgnimmuh@ofni

Company representatives

Carlos Mata, owner

About Hummingbird Weight Loss

The goal of Hummingbird Weight Loss is to be an ally for people that are obese or overweight in taking their first step in weight loss.

Diet and exercise is the ultimate solution in fighting obesity or being overweight, however, the first step is the hardest especially for people that have been overweight or obese for years. Most people that are obese or overweight lack the energy, strength, confidence, or motivation to change their diet or begin to exercise. The primary reason may be because most of these people have tried the traditional formula of diet and exercise before but have failed.

This is where Hummingbird Weight Loss will break this pattern. We provide people who are obese and overweight with the first step in weight loss. Our proven Program will allow you to lose up to .5 pounds to 2 pounds of abnormal (unwanted) body fat per day (average).

We feel that the scale is the catalyst to change. When people see the scale change, it will create the strength for them to believe in themselves and believe they will change the way they look and feel. Every time a point on the scale goes down, a point in self confidence and self esteem go up giving people the fortitude to continue.
Our Program breaks this process into 4 steps: The Hummingbird Binge, Hummingbird Reduction, Hummingbird Reset, and Hummingbird Lifestyle.

Once our patients complete the Hummingbird Program, they will eat healthier and live a more active lifestyle. This will lead to a healthier and happier life!

Products and Services

  • HCG Drops
  • Membership programs
  • Personal weight loss sponsorship
  • Exercise Videos
  • Weight loss programs

Opening Hours

We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Check out our website, blog, facebook, twitter, and feel free to call us or email us at any time!
  • Sunday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
  • Monday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
  • Wednesday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
  • Thursday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
  • Friday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
  • Saturday12:00 AM to 12:00 AM

Business categories

  • Weight Loss Clinic, With Medical Staff
  • Wellness Programs


10 to 19

Years In Business



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