Swess Pharmaceuticals dba Swess Pharma-Labs

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Swess Pharmaceuticals dba Swess Pharma-Labs

1087 N. Meridian Rd.
OH 44509
Phone: 330-281-1416

Category: Dietary Supplements, Dairy and Non-Dairy Based
Website: http://www.swesspharma-labs.com
Email: moc.oohay@sdioretslagel

More Contacts of Swess Pharmaceuticals dba Swess Pharma-Labs More Contacts Of Swess Pharmaceuticals dba Swess Pharma-Labs

moc.oohay@sdioretslagek (Customer Service)
http://twitter.com/swesspharma (Twitter)

Company representatives

Rich Gavinaldi, Pres. Customer service
Email: moc.liamtekcor@sdioretslagel

Rich Wyant, Ceo

About Swess Pharmaceuticals dba Swess Pharma-Labs

What We Do: SwessPharma-Labs.com is an industry leader in the advancement and production of "Legal Steroids", & Athletic Enhancement S

SwessPharmaceuticals LLC (Swess Pharma-Labs) is making an announcement to the public to be aware of counterfeit and bogus websites distributing their products. A company representative tells us that "Due to the high demand of their products, counterfeiting has become enough of a problem that it was time to notify the public". SwessPharma-Labs is a company that specializes in Unique Musclebuilding and Bodybuilding supplements. SwessPharma-Labs is the industry leader in the commonly referred to "Legal Steroid" sector of nutritional/bodybuilding enhancement products. The bogus websites and unauthorized distributors have become so elusive in their attempts to scam customers that they have begun using false documentation and website links regarding trademark rights and medical claims. One of

Products and Services

  • Legal Steroids
  • Bodybuilding Supplements
  • Dietary Supplements

Opening Hours

24 -7

Business categories

  • Nutrition Services

Location Type

Single Location


$275,000 - $300,000


2 to 4

Years In Business



  • Chamber of Commerce


  • dianabol [dbol]
  • anadroll [drol]
  • swesspharma
  • [legal steroids] safe alternatives
  • deccabolan [deca]

Additional information

SwessPharmaceuticals LLC (Swess Pharma-Labs) is making an announcement to the public to be aware of counterfeit and bogus websites distributing their products. A company representative tells us that "


Browse U.S. states for Dietary Supplements, Dairy and Non-Dairy Based

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