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Project Hope of Zelienople, Inc.

320 E. Grandview Ave.
PA 16063
Phone: 724-452-8120

Category: Non-Profit Organizations

Company representatives

Denise Shank, Board Member

About Project Hope of Zelienople, Inc.

Project Hope of Zelienople is a nonprofit organization  providing tote bags of supplies to intensive care units of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Project Hope of Zelienople is a nonprofit organization founded to give hope to parents who stay at the hospital with their hosptialized children. Of course, a parent's focus is on attending to the needs of their child. We believe parents must also take care of themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually in order to meet the overwhelming needs of their hospitalized children.

With the help of countless volunteers and donations, Project Hope supports this mission by providing tote bags full of supplies to the intensive care units of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. The totes are distributed to parents and guardians staying with their hospitalized children. Our intent is that these supplies will ease some of the burden on the families, to let them know someone cares, to give them h

Products and Services

  • Tote Bags Delivered Children's Hospital

Business categories

  • Childrens' Hospital



Years In Business



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