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4781 Highway 41 N
TN 37172-5843
Phone: (615) 382-9115

Category: Farms

Company representatives

Beth Baggett, Office Manager

Beth Baggett, Office Manager

About Baggett's

Baggett's is a family owned farming business that buy and lease land.

Baggett's is owned by the Mac Baggett Family. They specialize in raising row crops such as corn, wheat and soybeans.
Mac Baggett also owns and operates a grain elevator called Baggett Grain where he buys, sells, and stores his grain as well as buying grain from the local farmers. Baggett Grain sits on the North American Rail Line called CSX. The Baggett's private trucking fleet and the CSX rail cars are the two primary uses for transporting the grain.
Excavation work,soil convervation and drainage tile are a few ways that Baggett's keeps the land and soil in the best condition to make the best possible yields.
Baggett's also owns warehouses where there is space available to rent.

Products and Services

  • Grain Farmer

Business categories

  • Grain Elevators


20 to 49

Years In Business



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