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DO Brazil Coffee Inc

147 E 82nd Street # 2E
New York
NY 10028-1859
Phone: (212) 628-5053

Category: Roasted Coffee

Company representatives

Doug Becker, Owner
Phone: 212-628-5053

Ebe Becker, Senior VP of Sales

About DO Brazil Coffee Inc

DO Brazil Coffee offers you the best of Brazilian Coffee. Our family farms have been producing brazilian coffee with the highest standards for decades

Cerrado comes from the heart of the Cerrado region of Minas Gerias, Brazil. Cerrado coffees are known for their intense aroma with notes between caramel, nuts and slight citric acidity. A fabulous Body between moderate and medium-heavy, and flavor of sweet chocolate notes. It makes a great cup of drip or pressed coffee. Cuppers have given high scores for body, aroma, intense flavor and a smooth finish (no bitterness.)

And the Expresso is prepared with washed, semi-washed, and natural coffees, this blend was trial run for three years before it reached its current make-up. When perfectly roasted and ground its low acidity, accentuated body and sweetness comes across due to the balance achieved by using the three coffee components. An extremely pleasant aftertaste adds to a very pleasant.

Products and Services

  • Coffee

Opening Hours

24/7 0nline

Location Type



$1,500,000 - $1,750,000


2 to 4

Years In Business



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