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Company representatives

Ann Gors, CEO

Ann Gors, owner

About Kentfield Rehabilitation & Specialty Hospital

Located in Marin County, California, Kentfield Rehab and Specialty Hospital provides acute care for patients recovering from complex wounds, brain inj

Kentfield Rehab and Specialty Hospital in Kentfield, California, is currently owned by Vibra Healthcare, a company which focuses on providing services for patients with long-term acute conditions. Kentfield's trained physicians personalize treatment approaches based on individual patient needs.

People admitted to Kentfield Rehabilitation & Specialty Hospital are generally referred by their primary health care providers based on their need for acute inpatient or outpatient care. If an applicant fits the admission criteria, he or she must provide the hospital with health insurance and payment information, as well as a prescription and medication list. This information helps the staff craft a specific regimen of care for that person. Kentfield remains conscious of both basic nutrition and sp

Products and Services

  • Kentfield Rehabilitation & Specialty Hos


20 to 49

Years In Business



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