Agriculture (41,052)
Animal Specialty Services, Except Veterinary (3,758)
Beef Cattle, Except Feedlots (311)
Broiler, Fryers, and Roaster Chickens (159)
Churchman's Farm (Enterprises) Ltd
Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine (5)
Crop Planting, Cultivating, and Protecting (255)
Crop Preparation Services For Market, except Cotton Ginning (26)
Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders (41)
Farm Management Services (196)
Farm-Product Raw Materials, NEC (707)
Food Crops Grown Under Cover (129)
Fur-Bearing Animals and Rabbits (14)
General Farms, Primarily Crop (6,394)
General Farms, Primarily Livestock and Animal Specialties (7,988)
Horses and Other Equines (119)
Landscape Counseling and Planning (2,036)
Lawn and Garden Services (3,020)
Ornamental Floriculture and Nursery Products (96)
Prepared Feed and Feed Ingredients for Animals and Fowls, Except Dogs and Cats (349)
Kilco Chemicals (United Kingdom) Ltd
Veterinary Services for Animal Specialties (3,879)
Shenzhen Austin Technology Development Co., Ltd.
4th Floor, Wanhefeng Industry Building, No.27 Xihuan Road,Buji Street,Longgang District,Shenzhen City,China
London, England